We Start In...










Sign up now and lock in the investment price of $333/mo. for 4 months (8 month total access to all content).


More Than A Membership...

This is your next evolution. Are you ready to manifest mountains of wealth, love, sensuality, health, and power?

During our four months together you get:

  • 2hr Manifesting Coaching sessions, twice a month with Kim (replay shared in the MMM Hub) where you learn Radical Rituals and Active Meditation
  • Each month is governed by a unique module:
    • (Feb) Manifesting Skills
    • (Mar) Identity Ascension
    • (April) Wealth Consciousness
    • (May) Quantum Manifesting 
  • Woven inside all 4 months are lessons and exercises on Kim's Spiritual Strategies that ground Manifesting in step-by-step system to actually obtain your goals
  • and so much more...

If this is calling to you, sign up now, and I'll see you on the inside.

In community & love, Kim



"I can't even put into words what this is doing to me! It is pure electricity. Thank you, thank you, thank you."


"I’ve walked through the door and there is only forward now."


"I am now showing up as my truest, most authentic self while simultaneously inviting others to do the same."

Manifesting Mastery Membership


Sign up now and lock in the investment price of $333/mo. for 4 months (8 month total access to all content).

  • 4 month exclusive membership (8 month total access to all content)
  • 2x month, 2 hour Manifesting Coaching sessions with Kim (replay shared in the MMM Hub)

  • Each month is governed by a unique module (from wealth consciousness to quantum manifesting

  • Woven inside all 4 months are lessons and exercises on Kim's Spiritual Strategies that are a step-by-step system to actually obtaining your goals and feel empowered

  • NEWπŸ’ƒ (Guest Teacher) 1x month sessions with spiritual guide and mentor DJ Snow Queen to harness and channel energy with Source
  • A MMM pdf workbook that guides discussion and mastery through each month's module

  • NEWπŸ’ƒ MMM swag mailed to you!! 
  • A private MMM Community channel to share, integrate and practice accountability 

  • Access to MMM for 4 months after the membership closes.

Sign up now


"I feel more open to the universe. More time spent bottom-up. Less questioning of my choices [top-down]."



"I am now embodying my fullest potential as a leader in my own life and at my job."


"This was beautiful thank you! This class was perfect timing. Diving in!!"

How this all works

What to expect

  • Once you register, and five days before we start, you'll get access to our private MMM Hub (hosted on Kajabi). This is where you'll find all course materials
  • You'll also get access to the MMM community space where we will share insight, wins, and you'll be able to ask each other questions. Kim will be checking in here frequently to answer any questions. Jump in here and introduce yourself πŸ‘‹ 
  • Inside the MMM Community space you will participate in a weekly Share & Nominate accountability exercise (Kim will explain more in our first live meeting)
  • Private Telegram channel for weekly guidance, channels, and additional coaching from Kim
  • Twice a month, you'll get 2 hour Manifesting Coaching (Zoom) with Kim. We gather to get hyped up, learn, sharpen skills and celebrate each other πŸŽ‰ (Our meetings mainly will be on the first and third Friday night of each month with a few exceptions)
  • Guest DJ, The Sonic Snow Queen, will be leading sonic channeling experiences once a month (dates TBA)
  • Each month we will dive deep into a specific module topic (more below)
  • You will receive a MMM PDF workbook which covers all topics and skills (dripped to you throughout our five months)
  • Our live classes will be recorded and shared so you can watch whenever its convenient for you
  • You will have access to all materials and content for 4 months after the membership closes
  • Doors close on Thursday, 2/9/23 at midnight and won't open again until 2024!


A Private Digital Space (Kajabi)

Once your register you'll get access* to our private MMM  Hub. This is where you'll find all course materials.

You'll also get access to our private MMM community where we will share insight, wins, and you'll be able to ask each other questions. Kim will be checking in here frequently to answer any questions.

This is also where the Share & Nominate accountability exercise will take place.

*Access will be made available 5 days before we start.

Manifesting Coaching with Kim (Zoom)

Get a chance to connect as a spiritual community and learn from Kim in a masterclass setting.

We meet for two hours twice each month. Kim will guide you through her signature Radical Rituals™ plus meditation, breath work, journaling, and teachings on the core principles of manifesting. 

You will also have downloadable worksheets that accompany these sessions.

Can't make it? The live classes will be recorded and the replay will be shared with you. You'll have access to the replay for four months.

*Coaching Dates: 2/10, 2/24, 3/10, 3/24, 4/7, 4/21, 5/5 & 5/19 All live calls run Friday evenings starting at 6pm EST.

*Subject to change

MMM Workbook

You will receive MMM downloadable worksheets, every month, which cover all topics and course work so that you can dive deep and get the most from each month. Inside I hand you all the skills, practices, and mindset strategies to achieve success and feel like you're mastering your mind, body, and spirit.

These worksheets contain not only reading material but journal prompts to get you thinking deeper about core modules and homework assignments to get you active in your approach to Manifesting Mastery (we get physical in this program- no conceptualizing happening here!)

Monthly Module Topics

Inside MMM we anchor into 4 unique topics that create the walls of your Manifesting progress:

  • (February) The State and the Process of Manifesting (what it is and how to do it). This is where woo meets neuroscience

  • (March) Identity Ascension (who do you believe you are- and how can we own our truest self faster?)

  • (April) Wealth Consciousness (wealth doesn't just mean money πŸ’°. How your mindset and beliefs can heal your wealth identity)

  • (May) Quantum Manifesting (learn how to manifest beyond reason and hold rapid recalibration in your body)

Sonic Empowerment

DJ Sonic Snow Queen leads a spiritual healing and channeling session once a month. Each experience is unique to that moment and yet supports the month's theme. Expect guided ecstatic dance, live mixed music, tree magic, and more...

Private Telegram Channel

Receive additional support through voice notes and text support, within our own private Telegram channel. This space will allow transmissions, insight, and breakthroughs to happen on a more ongoing basis easily and digitally. This space will continue for 2 additional weeks beyond our last gathering on 5.19, for further integration and support.

Telegram is a free app that is easily accessible from your phone while on the go!

Manifesting Mastery Membership


Sign up now and lock in the investment price of $333/mo. for 4 months (8 month total access to all content).

  • 4 month exclusive membership
  • Private Telegram channel for weekly guidance, channels, and additional coaching from Kim 
  • 2x month, 2 hour Manifesting Coaching sessions with Kim (replay shared in the MMM Hub)

  • Each month is governed by a unique module (from wealth consciousness to quantum manifesting

  • Woven inside all 4 months are lessons and exercises on Kim's Spiritual Strategies that are a step-by-step system to actually obtaining your goals and feel empowered

  • NEWπŸ’ƒ (Guest Teacher) 1x month sessions with spiritual guide and mentor DJ Snow Queen to harness and channel energy with Source
  • A MMM pdf workbook that guides discussion and mastery through each month's module

  • NEWπŸ’ƒ MMM swag mailed to you!! 
  • A private MMM Community channel to share, integrate and practice accountability 

  • Access to MMM for 4 months after the membership closes.

Join for $222/month


"I haven't found a better yoga instructor yet."


"Kim teaches manifesting in a way I haven't heard before. Love it!"


"I see myself achieving my goals with confidence."