Get on the waitlist for 2025

I am joining VL this May

Be the first to hear of the next live round Kim is offering before anyone else

Join this experience if you desire...

 To Stop Shrinking and Missing Opportunities: You want to share your ideas and demonstrate your power within any room.

✅ To Speak with Confidence and Authority: You want to overcome any lingering self-doubt and speak with a commanding presence that captures and holds you audience's attention.

✅ To Remove the Bocks: You desire to do the inner work to figure out what is preventing your authentic communication on an energetic level and remove the blocks instantly so you can shine.

✅ To Enhance Your Public Speaking Skills and Stage Presence: You aims to refine your speaking abilities, improve your stage presence, and feel fully prepared and empowered when addressing any audience.


I got you. Like seriously. Voice Lab was built for you.

Introducing the V.O.I.C.E. Method 

The Voice Lab is built around the groundbreaking V.O.I.C.E. Method, a five-step framework designed to guide you from discovering your authentic speaker identity to fully embodying it with confidence and clarity.


 ✅ V: Visualize Your Speaker Identity

In the first week, you'll anchor your new vocal and speaker identity. This is where you decide who you want to be as a speaker and commit to your mission. Through powerful affirmations, mission statements, and tactical exercises, you'll connect deeply with your purpose and begin to embody your new role.


✅ O: Own Your Vocal Positioning

Week two focuses on helping you embody your new identity by connecting your voice to your body. You'll learn the Vocal Positioning System, which guides you to speak from a place of grounded confidence. This week is all about getting out of your head and letting your body lead the way.


✅ I: Integrate Body Language and Vocal Dynamics

In week three, you'll master the use of your body and voice in any speaking setting—whether on stage, on camera, or in-person. Learn how to move with intention, use props effectively, and engage your audience with dynamic facial expressions and vocal tones. This week is all about bringing your message to life.


✅ C: Clear Energetic Blocks and Embody Confidence

In week 4, you'll clear any remaining blocks that hold you back from stepping fully into your speaker identity. Through powerful somatic and visualization exercises, you'll shed old patterns and embrace the confident, authentic speaker you were meant to be.


✅ E: Engage and Inspire Your Audience

Throughout the Voice Lab, you'll learn how to engage your audience, inspire action, and leave a lasting impact. By the end of the program, you'll have all the tools you need to deliver your 3 min powerful, mission-driven speech to us all, that resonates with your listeners and amplify your influence. 

Listen to what previous clients have to say...


Who this is for...

🙂 You are ready to move mountains when you speak from the stage, on camera, or at work, and need a place to practice and truly own your unique voice that stands out!

😊 You are already speaking and want tools to feel more grounded and enhance your confidence in any environment

😊 You want to know what to do with your arms, eye contact, and body language while on stage or on camera to come across as powerful yet approachable

🙂 You know you are meant to let your voice lead your mission but want to know exactly how to 10x your impact in every single room you're in.



Kim 🎤👄💛

Elevate Your Vocal Presence

Speak with unshakable confidence and authority, and captivate any audience!

Over 4 Weeks You will:

💎 Build upon your current speaker skills to become more unique and refined

💎 Use proven techniques to become an outspoken person

💎 Own your speaker mission & learn to use story to sell and persuade

💎 Learn new frameworks, tools, and hacks to speaking on stage, or any environment, that you won't learn anywhere else

💎 Apply psychology, neuroscience, and energetic methods to level-up your speaking game

$487 PIF

Pay in full

Or payments as low as $43/mo

I am freaking ready!

People who work inside the VL are meant to speak...

If you are a leader, own a business, or a side-hustle you have been called through your mission. Plain and simple.

The truth is that you not learning how to amplify your voice using your Vocal Presence is preventing your from moving wealth, impact, and mountains of joy in your life.

✅ Because a person who can speak moves humanity forward

A person who moves humanity forward can fill programs, sell products, and create wealth for their family

✅ A person that can hold people's attention and deliver hope and inspiration is a person who can change the world

You have been chosen to move this mission forward and change lives. It's time you own that!

Kim Fischer


Investment: $449

Or, payments as low as $39/mo (option at check out). 

Get on the waitlist

Module 1: The Mission

Objective: to recognize you've been chosen to speak and move your mission forward  to create positive change in this world.

How: Getting clear on your mission and surrendering into it

Module 2: Identity Shift

Objective: Create a new and bold identify as a powerful speaker and learn the daily tools to take home.

How: Subconscious reprogramming, self-hypnosis, and visualization.

Module 3: Embodiment

Objective: Integrate and neutralize your voice into the body so that your mission leads the way.

How: Somatic movements, breath work, & vocal blueprints.

Module 4: Grab the Mic

Objective: You opening up and owing your voice. To practice being seen & heard to further integrate your voice.

How: Final project over Zoom to demonstrate your reclaimed voice.


Who is this for?

The Voice Lab is for three types of people:

  1. You are a heart-centered entrepreneur or side-hustle owner who wants to overcome awkwardness when of speaking in front of large audiences, small groups, yoga classes, client calls, trade shows, or online via social media. You are ready to heal your vocal fear and need the space to fully do that.   
  2. You are a leader who often speaks to small groups or clients at work. Or maybe you oversee a team and need better communication skills that feel grounding and enjoyable. You're ready to speak in a new way that feel more authentic and high-vibe. You're ready to turn over that new leaf starting with your ability to be taken seriously when you speak!
  3.  You are hungry for the stage. Or, you are already keynoting or often a panelist. You are ready to bring even more impact and know there's a next level to reach with your stage presence. You are seeking those next-level skills to get asked to speak more frequently.


If this is you, welcome! This is the BIG push you desire all within a warm, playful, and loving environment.